While working a part-time job, completing his high school classes one semester early, and preparing for his college career as a biomedical engineering major, Cameron Sanders reminded me of the importance of preserving the ambitions of young men like him. Cameron’s life and light are commemorated through The Cameron Sanders Scholarship. The Cameron Sanders Scholarship will allow a qualified male scholar to receive $1,000 in funding towards educational expenses i.e. tuition, books, and course materials. If you meet the following criteria, I encourage you to proceed with completing the application form and essay questions. Best to all applicants!
​​Male high school senior graduating Spring 2024
Enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program at HBCU (Historically Black College University) Fall 2024; Must be able to provide a copy of the acceptance letter and proof of enrollment
Two letters of recommendation by:
Academic staff (teacher, counselor, advisor)
Employer (or coach)
Minimum GPA 2.8; Provide current official school transcript that includes the school’s location, enrollment type & courses registered
Provide professional headshot photo​​
DUE JUNE 30, 2024